Jun 10 – 12, 2024
Europe/Paris timezone

First measurement of the Weyl potential evolution from DES Y3 data

Jun 10, 2024, 3:10 PM
Salle des séminaires (IAP)

Salle des séminaires



Isaac Tutusaus (IRAP-OMP)


In this talk I will present a new methodology to measure the Weyl potential, which is the sum of the spatial and temporal distortions of the Universe's geometry, in a model independent way. I will then present how combining galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing data from DES Y3 we can provide the first direct measurement of the evolution of the Weyl potential at four different redshifts. I will end by showing the forecast precision of such measurements with stage IV surveys and the interest of combining these with data coming from spectroscopic galaxy surveys.

Primary author

Isaac Tutusaus (IRAP-OMP)

Presentation materials