Séminaire Univers de l'IAP

What’s the challenge to probing inflation using the next-generation CMB, instrument or analysis?

by Prof. Tomotake Matsumara (IPMU)

Salle des séminaires (IAP)

Salle des séminaires



With the successful Planck mission sparking a renewed interest in the physics of the early universe, the next generation of CMB polarization experiments are now either in observation or preparation. As the project is becoming larger, a group in the community has started to be sub-clustered to probe each challenge deeper. In the meantime, many experiments go after the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and therefore the science target becomes focused. Among a number of challenges, in instrumentation, simulation, and analysis, what's the critical path? In this seminar, I will introduce the current effort at Kavli IPMU toward the next generation of CMB polarization experiments, and discuss the future challenges and path forward.