Dec 15 – 19, 2025
Europe/Paris timezone

The 41st annual IAP Colloquium aims at providing a complete overview of research on cosmological inflation. This field is in full swing, with numerous emerging research themes, on theoretical, computational and observational levels. Two main axes can be distinguished: precision physics, aiming to probe inflation on cosmological scales (with CMB and LSS observations), searching for fine effects such as primordial features and non-Gaussianities, effectively using inflation as a giant particle collider, and more generally as a laboratory for fundamental physics. The other axis concerns more exploratory physics: through the study of the stochastic gravitational-wave background and primordial black holes, gravitational-wave astronomy allows us to probe the late stage of the inflation, the physics of which is completely unknown. 

The colloquium will bring together theoreticians, computational physicists and observers to review recent progress and open questions pertaining to the field, notably concerning the cosmological collider, cosmological bootstrap, non-perturbative formalisms, loop effects, open effective theories, constraints from the CMB and the Large-Scale Structure, field-level inference, gravitational-wave backgrounds, primordial black holes, simulations of inflation.

Registration and program: more information later.

SOC: Silvia Galli, Guilhem Lavaux, Jérôme Martin, Lucas Pinol, Sébastien Renaux-Petel (chair), Vincent Vennin

LOC: Valérie Bona, Christophe Gobet, Jérôme Martin, Ketia Musau, Arthur Poisson, Lionel Provost, Sébastien Renaux-Petel

IAP code of conduct



