The 2025 summer school focuses on the present and future of cosmology. The program includes lectures on the physics of the late acceleration of the universe's expansion, exploring links with high-energy physics and the relevance of current theoretical models for understanding upcoming data.
Key Topics:
- Tools for analyzing experimental results, including numerical modelling of large-scale structures.
- New probes such as 21 cm physics and the structure of the Dark Ages.
- An overview of dark matter alternatives.
Organizing commitee:
- Philippe Brax (IPHT)
- Sandrine Codis (AIM)
- Guilhem Lavaux (IAP)
- Pauline Zarrouk (LPNHE)
Scientific organizing committee:
- Francis Bernardeau (IPHT)
- Alain Blanchard (IRAP)
- Philippe Brax (IPHT)
- Sandrine Codis (AIM)
- Stéphanie Escoffier (CPPM)
- Guilhem Lavaux (IAP)
- Tania Regimbau (LAPP)
- Romain Teyssier (Princeton University)
- Pauline Zarrouk (LPNHE)
(Image logo drawn by DALL-E 3)
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.