This working group (website here) is dedicated to raise awareness of new tools and methodology developed in the wider French community to do cosmology. The tools must be understood in a wide sense: it may be large software stack, online websites, or Mathematica© notebook.
This Working Group aims at sharing and helping the development of tools for which the needs are common to all the actors of the GDR.
It includes:
- tools that are oriented toward the predictions of cosmological observables (including non-linearities) and their relative theoretical systematic uncertainties such as Boltzmann solvers, numerical simulations, approximate methods for the non-linear evolution, and forward modeling,
- development of estimators for data analysis which are for example based on power spectra, and higher order statistics;
- mathematical methods for inference such as the one based on MCMC, Machine Learning, and minimizer;
- production of validation data, such as mock galaxy catalog, mock CMB maps;
- tools for symbolic-based computation in the cosmological context.
This session is dedicated particularly to the use of JAX, PyTorch, and others in cosmology.
The meeting will happen in salle des séminaires / Evry Schatzman (level -1) at the IAP on November 18-20 2024.
Please note that the present timetable is preliminary and slots may be swapped depending on external cosntraints.